Happy earth day!
Post tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, bronchoscopy update:

It has been two days now. At first it was super scary, Franki woke up with a very swollen tongue the morning post surgery. It felt like we were two weeks back in time! I try not to post the scary or negative stuff we experience and stick to good stuff. But I have to admit some pretty scary stuff happened the night before last. I wept as I prayed over Franki, completely deflated and despondent. white colored items to wear of the beach


But God...Showed me He is bigger than all of this. Not just from a mothers perspective but from a doctor who has witnessed her entire transition he literally mouthed the words "What the ______ " Her healing has been exponential! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you believe, but I have seen with my own eyes Franki's improvement defy odds. Even the people of science agree!

I stand on my faith and hope that we will be headed home decanulated next week. Pray with me for this please. Thank the Lord for our strong girl and His mighty and many miracles over the last 5 weeks!

Now that her tonsils and adenoids have been removed we hope we to reduce the chances her cysts will flare up again.

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