I recently watched a mother staring at my family with a perplexed look. It was hard not to notice and I was faced with my usual racing heart, flushed face and cold sweats. Yes, this actually happens. My husband will tell you that getting out of the house as a family usually has me in a worrisome panic. I get angry and stressed out because I know the stares are coming, the "what's wrong with her" from little people who don't know any better.

I feel like we are under a microsc ... ope and instead of using the chance to teach empathy and compassion. Ironically I find adults to be as, if not more rude than the children they have an opportunity to teach these two life skills. So today Ellen Sideman who I greatly admire and have had the privilege of working with as a blogger posted this on her blog. It's a teachable moment for all of us. To combat the uncomfortable, I find myself simply saying things like "If I can answer any questions that may reduce the stares I'm happy to" or "you can say hi to her, her name is amelia what's yours?" tiffany blue styled items to wear for a prom

I find it makes the family, child whomever either more uncomfortable and walk away never addressing rudeness or they engage. Regardless of the outcome it's our chance to teach the world about amelia and all children who are differently abled but no less worth a simple hello than you or I may be.

I see amelia as an exceptional miracle, she can hear things and do things we didn't expect. Sure she's special, however please only stare if you can't help but look at how stinking cute she is with her curls or how much her brother loves her or her dad makes her light up like a Christmas tree.

So the next time you may be inclined to stare at a situation or a person who may be different just say hello, treat them the way you or your child/family might want to be treated. We're a totally normal family living a uniquely abnormal life after all.

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How to treat children and teens with disabilities (hint: like children and teens) A blog about parenting kids with special needslovethatmax.com