As some of you know, I was transported by ambulance to the emergency room around 11:30 Friday morning. I was having symptoms of numb and swollen lips, swollen tongue, rash, and a closing airway. With steroid shots, benadryl, and some other medications, I was admitted overnight for observation. According to the ER doctor, I'm allergic to the new blood pressure medicine that was prescribed to me a week ago. Although I'm not completely sold on that theory, I'm no longer taking that medication. bohemian styled items to wear of the wedding
On top of it all, I was having abdominal pain. When the hospital conducted a CT scan, they discovered an intestinal issue that usually requires surgery. However, in my case, the surgeon believes it will clear up on its own. I'm scheduled to follow up with him in 2 weeks.
I'm home now and feeling much better.
Thank you all for your prayers. <3